Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Enemy! (Therapy Session # 2)

You know when you have those days when you are 100% on it, you got this, you are right and track and then BOOM!  You lose it all, in the matter of minutes.  This how I've been working lately.  I am angry but apparently not angry enough to do anything about it.  You want to know what else sucks???  My running or lack thereof!  I just can't seem to get my long runs in, nor can I seem to drag my rump out of bed before 6am to get in done before the rest of the zoo wakes up.  I'm starting to stress a little.  I have a 10k that I signed up for in September and of course the half in October and I can't get a run in over 3 miles!  I'm starting to even wonder if I can run more than 3 miles. 
So I mentioned my enemy...  I guess we can talk about that for a minute! IT's FOOD!  Well Duh, I'm sure you figured that out.  Do you have an enemy?  I can't say mine is one thing more than the other, it's just food!  I use it to substitute boredom, stress, anger, boredom I already mentioned that.  I hate trying to eat right, however the pooch on my belly is laughing at me saying "You are an idiot!  You'll never out run me!"  I feel very defeated at the moment and I just can't seem to shake it.  I want to throw it all away, crawl in my bed and eat. chips. all day.  Yes I am human.  I know we all do this, but I'm pissed that I just can't stay on track, even though I know how!

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